Lots Of Smoke Indicating Trent Williams Will Be Traded Sooner Than Later

PFT - None of the suitors for Williams’ services are named in the report, but Jenna Laine of ESPN.com reported that the Buccaneers discussed a deal with Washington that would involve tight end O.J. Howard in February.

This is one of those "where there's smoke there's fire" situations. Every NFL reporter, beat reporter, Redskins writer, etc is trying to break the Trent Williams trade right now. It seems 95% to happen by the end of the week. At this point I would be shocked if he isn't moved. 

What is the going rate? Well the Bucs trading for Gronk opens the OJ Howard door up again. The Skins will want an additional draft pick in that deal as well- they'll likely ask for a 2nd (the Skins don't have a 2nd rounder this year) and settle for a 3rd. The Skins have alll the leverage in that deal- the Bucs are overloaded at TE and need a top tackle to protect Brady, so it makes sense.

But that's where the fun begins with leveraging teams against each other. The Browns are still in the mix, and that's the same Browns team that offered a 1st rounder last year which idiot Bruce Allen turned down out of pride. God do I hate that guy. 

And then other teams start getting involved when they see what the market is set at. There's always fun "mystery teams" that Jay Glazer reports on. Don't ever forget about the mystery teams.

I'm hoping for a huge haul but expecting less than desired because he just sat out a year and the injury issues. I think OJ and the pick is pretty solid, and I'm not ready to rule out the Browns doing something dumb. Let us pray they panic.

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